Friday, February 16, 2018

Crossed wires: Robot weirdness

Hello whoever reads these! If you checked out Creations and saw my video about my Arduino robot and how it's built, you probably noticed I said, "video of it moving will come once the building is done, and the program is in." Well, the building is almost done, in a weird way. And the programming is almost done, in a weird way. Let me explain why.

Now the wiring was very tricky for me. But after finding out how my robot teacher did the wiring for his robot, I based my robot off of his. After that, I went into programming, where one wheel moved, then the other. I was to get both wheels moving at the same time. But after messing around with the program, my robot quit working. And to make things even more weird, there was nothing wrong with my program. So, my robot teacher took two wires out, and the robot started working! This confused the both of us of how this was possible. So the next day, my robot teacher took a closer look at my robot, re-did the wiring, but this time, the robot didn't work. I didn't up load any new programs into the robot, so the program is going to be looked at again next meeting. Hopefully, the robot will work so I can get a video of it, and then move onto my next project for RoboGames, Best of Show competition. But until then, I have to figure out why my robot is acting so weird......

Friday, February 2, 2018

The winner for the Disneyland ride poll is...........

In the last poll, I asked which Disneyland ride is better out of the three that were given. (Which were Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, and Haunted Mansion)
Haunted Mansion didn't get a vote, but the other two did. Which instead of dragging this on forever, I'm just going to say who won. The winner is..................... No one. It came down to a tie. Now I didn't vote, but if I could now, then I would pick....... Um....... Well, it's hard for me. So I'll just randomly pick Thunder Mountain.

Just so you know, I have made another poll, which if you like, you can vote down below. This time, the poll is about projects I would like to work on someday. I have put in a short description of what each of the projects are. If you would like to know a little bit more, you can check out my last post, ''Projects I would like to work on someday.''