Hello everyone! If you checked out some of my other posts, you'll see that I talk about RoboGames a lot. However, I always talked about what competition I was in. But never about RoboGames itself. So in this post, I'll be telling you what RoboGames is!
RoboGames is a world wide competition where you compete in different challenges using your robot. There are people from Mexico, China, Turkey, all over the world really. There are actually two buildings for RoboGames. The main building has all the challenges for something simple like following a black twisting line or something complex like moving though a maze in search of a fire to blow out. You usually find a mix of Lego NXT robots and advanced robots in this building. The other building is where you will only find the advanced robots.
In the main building there are challenges like ''Fire Bot'' (the complex challenge), ''Line Follow'' (the simple challenge), ''Tube Push'', etc. You can find some advanced robots in ''Fire bot'' and ''Sumo." (Sumo: Where robots try to push each other off of an edge) ''Best of Show'' has more advanced robots than Lego robots. ''Best of Show'' is where you can build anything you want. ''Open Lego'' is the same thing, but using Lego parts only. Because of these two challenges, there are rows of tables that you can walk by and see all the different inventions people have made.
In order to get into the other building, you need some kind of a pass. Which is annoying because this building has all of the amazing advanced robots. Just like the main building, there are rows of tables that you can walk by to see a bunch of robots. These robots go into an enclosed arena to fight each other with sharp blades, fire, hammers, or wedges. So whenever a battle comes on, the place gets really loud just because of these Battle Bots. There is another form of ''Battle Bots'' called ''Mech Warfare." That challenge doesn't make very much noise, and the robots are a lot smaller, but two robots fight each other using Airsoft guns. There is one section where people make robots of different kinds. Kind of like "Best of Show'' except maybe a little bit different. I'm not sure how different, I just walk by and think ''Wow.... These robots look so cool!''
So in short, RoboGames is a world wide robotics competition where there are many different challenges with many different things going on and lots of different designs to check out, while in the other ''need a pass to get in'' building, there are robots trying to dissemble each other.